I have so much to say about this! I can remember clearly the first time I heard the Indigo Girls-- I was 25 years old at a party and “Closer to Fine” came on--I felt it deep in my soul and practically knocked people over trying to get to the hostess to find out who was making such beautiful music! That remains one of my very favorite albums of all times. And yesterday afternoon when I got home from work I pulled out my guitar and tried to learn to play.....guess what....Closer to Fine! I’m still very much a beginner (and the Indigo Girls know. LOT of chords) but I found a simple version and played and sang to my heart’s content! There is also a fun episode with them on the “We Can Do Hard Things” podcast.

And “ the less I seek my source part” reminds me of the Rilke quote (did I learn about this from you?)

“Don’t search for the answers, which could not be given to you now because you would not be able to live them. And the point is to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps then, someday in the future, you will gradually, without noticing it, live your way into the answer”

And in living into the answer, we are closer to fine!

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Your words are music to my ears, Laura. Have you listened to Amy Ray's album, Stag? It's one of my favorites. And thank you SO much for reminding me of that Rilke quote—it's a balm for my heart and soul.

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Apr 16, 2023Liked by Corinne Bowen

I listened to “Stag” while i was cooking yesterday but I will try to go back and “Bon Iver listen” sometime soon! I have “Lung of Love we saw her in a little club in Nashville around 2013- but never dug any deeper into her solo stuff!

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Also the song “I Didn’t” with Amy and Brandi Carlisle

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